Trickster's Choice

Publication date: September 17, 2004
Scholastic Press
453 pages
Mini review:
The Daughter of the Lionness series is my favorite series by Tamora Pierce (and I've read them all). The main character Aly is, simply put, a total badass. She's incredibly intelligent, sneaky, kicks ass in a fight, and did I mention her razor-sharp wits? In this book, Aly literally builds herself from the ground up, going from slave to - well, I won't give it away, but let's just say that I was obsessed with being like Aly for years. Hell, thinking about TC is making me want to reread TC for the billionth time, just to read about Aly of Pirate's Sweep, and okay, maybe a little bit to read about Nawat, who is possibly the hottest male interest ever written in YA. Not only is he actually supposed to be pretty hot, but he is also totally guileless, which provides a nice contrast to the very guile-ful heroine. And of course, one of the best things about this book is that it's set in the fantasy realm of Tortall, which is the setting for several other series by Tamora Pierce (all fantastic and highly recommended by this blogger.) My only warning is that if you are very sensitive about issues of race, this may not be the fantasy for you, as it does talk about it a lot.
Definitely recommend TC to lovers of other Tamora Pierce books, Garth Nix's The Old Kingdom (Abhorsen) series, or C.S. Lewis's classic The Chronicles of Narnia.
Do you have a favorite Tamora Pierce series?
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Throwback Thursday is a chance to showcase great books read a long time ago, but remembered as clearly as if they were still on the nightstand with a bookmark between the pages. Write a short and sweet review and post it on your blog or on the comments to join in. Because sometimes the oldies deserve the spotlight too.
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