What I Read
I currently accept review requests for Middle Grade, Young Adult, and New Adult novels in the Fantasy, Dystopian, Paranormal, Contemporary, and Science Fiction genres. I accept print books, ebooks, egalleys, and audiobooks. Precedence is given to print copies as I don't own a mobile reader at the moment. Audiobooks may also take extra time to review.I also accept select children's picture books and poetry to review at Two Little Dinos. Please check out my specific review policy for that site, though.
Unless I solicit it, I do not review:
- non-fiction
- graphic novels
- thriller
- mystery
- erotica
- military/war
- historical fiction
- western
- spiritual
- self-published books
- indie press books
How to Request a Review
If you want to request a review, you can reach me at rainereviews at gmail dot com. I ask that you wait for my response before sending me your novel. My time to read and review is limited, so I have to choose what I spend that time on. That said, if I accept your request, you can expect to see a review within a month or two.
How I Review
All reviews reflect my honest opinion of the work. This means I can't promise a positive review, only a respectful one. In the unlikely event that I find myself unable to finish reading your book, I will contact you with my reasons.All reviews I write will appear on this blog as well as on Amazon.com and Goodreads.
The Scale
I want to explain what the stars mean to me:5: Rave-worthy.
4: Enjoyable.
3: Okay, but had some issues.
2: Not really my cup of tea.
1: Disliked it.
I would love to conduct some! I absolutely love speaking to authors, editors, publishers, and cover artists about works I've already read and reviewed. In fact, here is my interview with poet B.J. Best that The Lit Pub published last year to show you an example of my work. Email me at rainereviews at gmail dot com if you are interested in setting up an interview.Note
No part of this site may be reproduced or used without the express written consent of the author.