Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday Finds #8

Yesterday, in preparation for Friday Finds, I started "organizing" my haphazard library of books. If you've followed me on Twitter @RaineReviews, you've seen the overflowing disaster that our one solitary bookshelf is.

I put organizing in quotation marks because I had a pretty....unique....system going: I made a stack for my favorite books, stacks for collections by the same author, a stack for books I was no longer interested in (oh my!), a stack for classics, and most importantly, a stack for my TBR list.

My hubby walked in on me surrounded by seemingly random stacks of books and just stared, a little bemused and a little amused. His response reassured me that I married the exact right person: "I'm going to build you some bookshelves." Hurray!!

And hurray also for separating my TBR books from the rest of my little library. For the first time ever, I have an actual physical stack of books to get through. 31 books. A lot of these are classics I collected while I was an English major, and even though I'm not in school anymore, I still think the classics are important, especially to my education as a writer. I'm loosely considering setting myself the goal of finishing this physical stack by the end of the year, but I haven't yet decided if that's a realistic goal. This would be aside from books I buy to read immediately, and any ARCs I'm sent, like, for example, this new addition to my TBR list (which is already in my digital library, and about to get opened!):

And I'm HOPING to get this bad boy from First To Read, if I'm lucky:

Yes, I'm keeping it short and sweet. I want my new shelves to at least LOOK nice for a little while before I overflow them with books. 

Do you, too, have a TBR pile somewhere in the house? Share a picture with @RaineReviews! I'll be posting pictures of my stacks all week, because what's better than a bunch of well-organized books?

Friday Finds is a weekly event hosted by MizB @ A Daily Rhythm that showcases the books you've added to your TBR list this week. Everyone is welcome to join in. 

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